Veröffentlichungen des Instituts
- Nguyen, K. L., Bhatt, I. J., Gupta, S., Showkat, N., Swanson, K. A., Fischer, R., Kontermann, R. E., Pfizenmaier, K., Bracchi-Ricard, V., & Bethea, J. R. (2024). Tumor necrosis factor receptor 2 activation elicits sex-specific effects on cortical myelin proteins and functional recovery in a model of multiple sclerosis. Brain research bulletin, 207, 110885--110885.
- Klein, C., Brinkmann, U., Reichert, J. M., & Kontermann, R. E. (2024). The present and future of bispecific antibodies for cancer therapy. Nature Reviews Drug Discovery, 23(4), Article 4.
- Köhler, A. R., Haußer, J., Harsch, A., Bernhardt, S., Häußermann, L., Brenner, L.-M., Lungu, C., Olayioye, M. A., Bashtrykov, P., & Jeltsch, A. (2024). Modular dual-color BiAD sensors for locus-specific readout of epigenome modifications in single cells. Cell Reports Methods, 4(4), Article 4.
- Beigl, T. B., Paul, A., Fellmeth, T. P., Nguyen, D., Barber, L., Weller, S., Schäfer, B., Gillissen, B. F., Aulitzky, W. E., Kopp, H.-G., Rehm, M., Andrews, D. W., Pluhackova, K., & Essmann, F. (2024). BCL-2 and BOK regulate apoptosis by interaction of their C-terminal transmembrane domains. EMBO reports, 25(9), Article 9.
- Frey, Y., Lungu, C., & Olayioye, M. A. (2024). Regulation and functions of the DLC family of RhoGAP proteins: Implications for development and cancer. Cellular Signalling, 125, 111505.
- Schlett, K., Oueslati Morales, C. O., Bencsik, N., & Hausser, A. (2024). Getting smart – Deciphering the neuronal functions of protein kinase D. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Molecular Cell Research, 1871(7), Article 7.
- Boccellato, C., & Rehm, M. (2024). TRAIL-induced apoptosis and proteasomal activity – Mechanisms, signalling and interplay. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Molecular Cell Research, 119688.
- Yang, H., Meyer, F., Huang, S., Yang, L., Lungu, C., Olayioye, M. A., Buehler, M. J., & Guo, M. (2024). Learning Collective Cell Migratory Dynamics from a Static Snapshot with Graph Neural Networks. PRX Life, 2(4), Article 4.
- Entrop, K., Wieske, S., & Rehm, M. (2024). Why Bax detection in >1400 publications might be flawed. Cell Death & Disease, 15(12), Article 12.
- Frey, Y., Lungu, C., Meyer, F., Hauth, F., Hahn, D., Kersten, C., Heller, V., Franz-Wachtel, M., Macek, B., Barsukov, I., & Olayioye, M. A. (2024). Regulation of the DLC3 tumor suppressor by a novel phosphoswitch. iScience, 27(7), Article 7.
- Brenner, L.-M., Meyer, F., Yang, H., Köhler, A. R., Bashtrykov, P., Guo, M., Jeltsch, A., Lungu, C., & Olayioye, M. A. (2024). Repeat DNA methylation is modulated by adherens junction signaling. Communications Biology, 7(1), Article 1.
- Gali, A., Bijnsdorp, I. V., Piersma, S. R., Pham, T. V., Gutiérrez-Galindo, E., Kühnel, F., Tsolakos, N., Jimenez, C. R., Hausser, A., & Alexopoulos, L. G. (2024). Protein Kinase D drives the secretion of invasion mediators in triple-negative breast cancer cell lines. iScience, 108958.
- Pegoretti, V., Bauer, J., Fischer, R., Paro, I., Douwenga, W., Kontermann, R. E., Pfizenmaier, K., Houben, E., Broux, B., Hellings, N., Baron, W., Laman, J. D., & Eisel, U. L. M. (2023). Sequential treatment with a TNFR2 agonist and a TNFR1 antagonist improves outcomes in a humanized mouse model for MS. Journal of neuroinflammation, 20(1), Article 1.
- Fiedler, T., Fairless, R., Pichi, K., Fischer, R., Richter, F., Kontermann, R. E., Pfizenmaier, K., Diem, R., & Williams, S. K. (2023). Co-modulation of TNFR1 and TNFR2 in an animal model of multiple sclerosis. Journal of neuroinflammation, 20(1), Article 1.
- Liang, K. L., Roels, J., Lavaert, M., Putteman, T., Boehme, L., Tilleman, L., Velghe, I., Pegoretti, V., Van de Walle, I., Sontag, S., Vandewalle, J., Vandekerckhove, B., Leclercq, G., Van Vlierberghe, P., Libert, C., Van Nieuwerburgh, F., Fischer, R., Kontermann, R. E., Pfizenmaier, K., … Taghon, T. (2023). Intrathymic dendritic cell-biased precursors promote human T cell lineage specification through IRF8-driven transmembrane TNF. Nature Immunology.
- Guttà, C., Morhard, C., & Rehm, M. (2023). Applying a GAN-based classifier to improve transcriptome-based prognostication in breast cancer. PLOS Computational Biology, 19(4), Article 4.
- S, S., F, E., AF, G., H, H., J, S., A, H., L, S., G, O., & C, K. (2023). Indolyl-chalcone derivatives trigger apoptosis in cisplatin-resistant mesothelioma cells through aberrant tubulin polymerization and deregulation of microtubule-associated proteins. Frontiers in oncology.
- Lungu, C., Meyer, F., Hörning, M., Steudle, J., Braun, A., Noll, B., Benz, D., Fränkle, F., Schmid, S., Eisler, S. A., Olayioye, M. A., & Monilola Olayioye, C. A. (2023). Golgi screen identifies the RhoGEF Solo as a novel regulator of RhoB and endocytic transport. Traffic.
- Abassi, L., Bertoglio, F., Mačak Šafranko, Ž., Schirrmann, T., Greweling-Pils, M., Seifert, O., Khan, F., Katzmarzyk, M., Jacobsen, H., Gödecke, N., Heine, P. A., Frenzel, A., Nowack, H., Dübel, S., Kurolt, I.-C., Kontermann, R. E., Markotić, A., Schubert, M., Hust, M., & Čičin-Šain, L. (2023). Evaluation of the Neutralizing Antibody STE90-C11 against SARS-CoV-2 Delta Infection and Its Recognition of Other Variants of Concerns. Viruses, 15(11), Article 11.
- Ortí-Casañ, N., Boerema, A. S., Köpke, K., Ebskamp, A., Keijser, J., Zhang, Y., Chen, T., Dolga, A. M., Broersen, K., Fischer, R., Pfizenmaier, K., Kontermann, R. E., & Eisel, U. L. M. (2023). The TNFR1 antagonist Atrosimab reduces neuronal loss, glial activation and memory deficits in an acute mouse model of neurodegeneration. Scientific reports, 13(1), Article 1.
- Steinlein, S., Essmann, F., Ghilardi, A. F., Horn, H., Schüler, J., Hausser, A., Sun, L., Ott, G., & Kalla, C. (2023). Indolyl-chalcone derivatives trigger apoptosis in cisplatin-resistant mesothelioma cells through aberrant tubulin polymerization and deregulation of microtubule-associated proteins. Frontiers in oncology, 13, 1190988--1190988.
- Gutiérrez-Galindo, E., Yilmaz, Z. H., & Hausser, A. (2023). Membrane trafficking in breast cancer progression: protein kinase D comes into play. Frontiers in cell and developmental biology, 11, 1173387--1173387.
- Fullstone, G. (2023). Rapid Particle-Based Simulations of Cellular Signalling with the FLAME-Accelerated Signalling Tool (FaST) and GPUs. In Methods in Molecular Biology (S. 191--212). Springer US.
- Kühl, L., Schäfer, A. K., Kraft, S., Aschmoneit, N., Kontermann, R. E., & Seifert, O. (2023). eIg-based bispecific T-cell engagers targeting EGFR: Format matters. mAbs, 15(1), Article 1.
- N, B., CO, O. M., A, H., & K, S. (2023). Endocytosis of AMPA receptors: Role in neurological conditions. Progress in molecular biology and translational science.
- A, I., D, N.-H., A, H., & K, S. (2023). Dendritic effects of genetically encoded actin-labeling probes in cultured hippocampal neurons. Molecular biology of the cell.
- Vitale, I., Pietrocola, F., Guilbaud, E., Aaronson, S. A., Abrams, J. M., Adam, D., Agostini, M., Agostinis, P., Alnemri, E. S., Altucci, L., Amelio, I., Andrews, D. W., Aqeilan, R. I., Arama, E., Baehrecke, E. H., Balachandran, S., Bano, D., Barlev, N. A., Bartek, J., … Galluzzi, L. (2023). Apoptotic cell death in disease---Current understanding of the NCCD 2023. Cell Death & Differentiation, 30(5), Article 5.
- Müller, D. (2023). Targeting Co-Stimulatory Receptors of the TNF Superfamily for Cancer Immunotherapy. BioDrugs, 37(1), Article 1.
- Reinhardt, R., Hirzel, K., Link, G., Eisler, S. A., Hägele, T., Parson, M. A. H., Burke, J. E., Hausser, A., & Leonard, T. A. (2023). PKD autoinhibition in trans regulates activation loop autophosphorylation in cis. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 120(7), Article 7.
- Ignácz, A., Nagy-Herczeg, D., Hausser, A., & Schlett, K. (2023). Dendritic effects of genetically encoded actin labelling probes in cultured hippocampal neurons. Molecular Biology of the Cell.
- E, G.-G., ZH, Y., & A, H. (2023). Membrane trafficking in breast cancer progression: protein kinase D comes into play. Frontiers in cell and developmental biology.
- R, R., K, H., G, L., SA, E., T, H., MAH, P., JE, B., A, H., & TA, L. (2023). PKD autoinhibition in trans regulates activation loop autophosphorylation in cis. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.
- Katiyar, P., Schwenck, J., Frauenfeld, L., Divine, M. R., Agrawal, V., Kohlhofer, U., Gatidis, S., Kontermann, R., Königsrainer, A., Quintanilla-Martinez, L., la Fougère, C., Schölkopf, B., Pichler, B. J., & Disselhorst, J. A. (2023). Quantification of intratumoural heterogeneity in mice and patients via machine-learning models trained on PET-MRI data. Nature biomedical engineering, 10.1038/s41551-023-01047–01049--.
- Müller, D. (2022). Optimized CD19/CD22/CD3 antibody. Blood, 140(16), Article 16.
- Aschmoneit, N., Kocher, K., Siegemund, M., Lutz, M. S., Kühl, L., Seifert, O., & Kontermann, R. E. (2022). Fc-based Duokines: dual-acting costimulatory molecules comprising TNFSF ligands in the single-chain format fused to a heterodimerizing Fc (scDk-Fc). Oncoimmunology, 11(1), Article 1.
- Rau, A., Janssen, N., Kühl, L., Sell, T., Kalmykova, S., Mürdter, T. E., Dahlke, M.-H., Sers, C., Morkel, M., Schwab, M., Kontermann, R. E., & Olayioye, M. A. (2022). Triple targeting of HER receptors overcomes heregulin-mediated resistance to EGFR blockade in colorectal cancerTriple HER blockade in CRC. Molecular Cancer Therapeutics.
- Del Mistro, G., Riemann, S., Schindler, S., Beissert, S., Kontermann, R. E., Ginolhac, A., Halder, R., Presta, L., Sinkkonen, L., Sauter, T., & Kulms, D. (2022). Focal adhesion kinase plays a dual role in TRAIL resistance and metastatic outgrowth of malignant melanoma. Cell death & disease, 13(1), Article 1.
- Dilchert, J., Hofmann, M., Unverdorben, F., Kontermann, R., & Bunk, S. (2022). Mammalian Display Platform for the Maturation of Bispecific TCR-Based Molecules. Antibodies, 11(2), Article 2.
- Guttà, C., Morhard, C., & Rehm, M. (2022). T-GAN-D: a GAN-based classifier for breast cancer prognostication. Zenodo.
- Hagenlocher, C., Siebert, R., Taschke, B., Wieske, S., Hausser, A., & Rehm, M. (2022). ER stress-induced cell death proceeds independently of the TRAIL-R2 signaling axis in pancreatic β cells. Cell Death Discovery, 8(1), Article 1.
- Mora-Molina, R., Stöhr, D., Rehm, M., & López-Rivas, A. (2022). cFLIP downregulation is an early event required for endoplasmic reticulum stress-induced apoptosis in tumor cells. Cell Death & Disease, 13(2), Article 2.
- Bencsik, N., Oueslati Morales, C. O., Hausser, A., & Schlett, K. (2022). Endocytosis of AMPA receptors: Role in neurological conditions. In Progress in Molecular Biology and Translational Science. Academic Press.
- Kühl, L., Aschmoneit, N., Kontermann, R. E., & Seifert, O. (2022). The eIg technology to generate Ig-like bispecific antibodies. mAbs, 14(1), Article 1.
- Seifert, O., & Kontermann, R. E. (2022). GlycoTAIL and FlexiTAIL as Half-Life Extension Modules for Recombinant Antibody Fragments. Molecules (Basel, Switzerland), 27(10), Article 10.
- Frey, Y., Franz-Wachtel, M., Macek, B., & Olayioye, M. A. (2022). Proteasomal turnover of the RhoGAP tumor suppressor DLC1 is regulated by HECTD1 and USP7. Scientific Reports 2022 12:1, 12(1), Article 1.
- Guttà, C., Morhard, C., & Rehm, M. (2022). Applying GAN-based data augmentation to improve transcriptome-based prognostication in breast cancer. In medRxiv. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press.
- Boccellato, C., & Rehm, M. (2022). Glioblastoma, from disease understanding towards optimal cell-based in vitro models. Cellular Oncology.
- Ludwig-Słomczyńska, A. H., & Rehm, M. (2022). Mitochondrial genome variations, mitochondrial-nuclear compatibility, and their association with metabolic diseases. Obesity.
- Vera, J., Lai, X., Baur, A., Erdmann, M., Gupta, S., Guttà, C., Heinzerling, L., Heppt, M. V., Kazmierczak, P. M., Kunz, M., Lischer, C., Pützer, B. M., Rehm, M., Ostalecki, C., Retzlaff, J., Witt, S., Wolkenhauer, O., & Berking, C. (2022). Melanoma 2.0. Skin cancer as a paradigm for emerging diagnostic technologies, computational modelling and artificial intelligence. Briefings in Bioinformatics.
- C, H., R, S., B, T., S, W., A, H., & M, R. (2022). ER stress-induced cell death proceeds independently of the TRAIL-R2 signaling axis in pancreatic β cells. Cell death discovery.
- Juric, V., Düssmann, H., Lamfers, M. L. M., Prehn, J. H. M., Rehm, M., & Murphy, B. M. (2021). Transcriptional CDK Inhibitors CYC065 and THZ1 Induce Apoptosis in Glioma Stem Cells Derived from Recurrent GBM. Cells 2021, Vol. 10, Page 1182, 10(5), Article 5.
- Lindner, A. U., Salvucci, M., McDonough, E., Cho, S., Stachtea, X., O’Connell, E. P., Corwin, A. D., Santamaria-Pang, A., Carberry, S., Fichtner, M., Van Schaeybroeck, S., Laurent-Puig, P., Burke, J. P., McNamara, D. A., Lawler, M., Sood, A., Graf, J. F., Rehm, M., Dunne, P. D., … Prehn, J. H. M. (2021). An atlas of inter- and intra-tumor heterogeneity of apoptosis competency in colorectal cancer tissue at single-cell resolution. Cell Death & Differentiation.
- Aschmoneit, N., Steinlein, S., Kühl, L., Seifert, O., & Kontermann, R. E. (2021). A scDb-based trivalent bispecific antibody for T-cell-mediated killing of HER3-expressing cancer cells. Scientific reports, 11(1), Article 1.
- Richter, F., Williams, S. K., John, K., Huber, C., Vaslin, C., Zanker, H., Fairless, R., Pichi, K., Marhenke, S., Vogel, A., Dhaen, M.-A., Herrmann, S., Herrmann, A., Pfizenmaier, K., Bantel, H., Diem, R., Kontermann, R. E., & Fischer, R. (2021). The TNFR1 Antagonist Atrosimab Is Therapeutic in Mouse Models of Acute and Chronic Inflammation. Frontiers in Immunology, 12.
- Aschmoneit, N., Kühl, L., Seifert, O., & Kontermann, R. E. (2021). Fc-comprising scDb-based trivalent, bispecific T-cell engagers for selective killing of HER3-expressing cancer cells independent of cytokine release. Journal for immunotherapy of cancer, 9(11), Article 11.
- Bethea, J. R., & Fischer, R. (2021). Role of peripheral immune cells for development and recovery of chronic pain. Frontiers in Immunology, 12.
- Massafra, V., Tundo, S., Dietzig, A., Ducret, A., Jost, C., Klein, C., Kontermann, R. E., Knoetgen, H., Steegmaier, M., Romagnani, A., & Nagel, Y. A. (2021). Proteolysis-Targeting Chimeras Enhance T Cell Bispecific Antibody-Driven T Cell Activation and Effector Function through Increased MHC Class I Antigen Presentation in Cancer Cells. The Journal of Immunology.
- Brinkmann, U., & Kontermann, R. E. (2021). Bispecific antibodies. Science, 372(6545), Article 6545.
- Oueslati Morales, C. O., Ignácz, A., Bencsik, N., Sziber, Z., Rátkai, A. E., Lieb, W. S., Eisler, S. A., Szűcs, A., Schlett, K., & Hausser, A. (2021). Protein Kinase D promotes activity-dependent AMPA receptor endocytosis in hippocampal neurons. Traffic, n/a(n/a), Article n/a.
- Pollak, N., Lindner, A., Imig, D., Kuritz, K., Fritze, J. S., Decker, L., Heinrich, I., Stadager, J., Eisler, S., Stöhr, D., Allgöwer, F., Scheurich, P., & Rehm, M. (2021). Cell cycle progression and transmitotic apoptosis resistance promote escape from extrinsic apoptosis. Journal of cell science, jcs.258966--.
- Hellwig, C. T., Delgado, M. E., Skoko, J., Dyck, L., Hanna, C., Wentges, A., Langlais, C., Hagenlocher, C., Mack, A., Dinsdale, D., Cain, K., MacFarlane, M., & Rehm, M. (2021). Proteasome inhibition triggers the formation of TRAIL receptor 2 platforms for caspase-8 activation that accumulate in the cytosol. Cell Death & Differentiation 2021, 1--9.
- Boccellato, C., Kolbe, E., Peters, N., Juric, V., Fullstone, G., Verreault, M., Idbaih, A., Lamfers, M. L. M., Murphy, B. M., & Rehm, M. (2021). Marizomib sensitizes primary glioma cells to apoptosis induced by a latest-generation TRAIL receptor agonist. Cell Death & Disease, 12(7), Article 7.
- Ehlers, W., Morrison (Rehm), M., Schröder, P., Stöhr, D., & Wagner, A. (2021). Multiphasic modelling and computation of metastatic lung-cancer cell proliferation and atrophy in brain tissue based on experimental data. Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology.
- CO, O. M., A, I., N, B., Z, S., AE, R., WS, L., SA, E., A, S., K, S., & A, H. (2021). Protein kinase D promotes activity-dependent AMPA receptor endocytosis in hippocampal neurons. Traffic (Copenhagen, Denmark).
- Siegemund, M., Oak, P., Hansbauer, E.-M., Allersdorfer, A., Utschick, K., Winter, A., Grasmüller, C., Galler, G., Mayer, J.-P., Weiche, B., Prassler, J., Kontermann, R. E., & Rothe, C. (2021). Pharmacokinetic Engineering of OX40-Blocking Anticalin Proteins Using Monomeric Plasma Half-Life Extension Domains. Frontiers in pharmacology, 12, 759337--759337.
- Rau, A., Kocher, K., Rommel, M., Kühl, L., Albrecht, M., Gotthard, H., Aschmoneit, N., Noll, B., Olayioye, M. A., Kontermann, R. E., & Seifert, O. (2021). A bivalent, bispecific Dab-Fc antibody molecule for dual targeting of HER2 and HER3. mAbs, 13(1), Article 1.
- Papazian, I., Tsoukala, E., Boutou, A., Karamita, M., Kambas, K., Iliopoulou, L., Fischer, R., Kontermann, R. E., Denis, M. C., Kollias, G., Lassmann, H., & Probert, L. (2021). Fundamentally different roles of neuronal TNF receptors in CNS pathology: TNFR1 and IKKβ promote microglial responses and tissue injury in demyelination while TNFR2 protects against excitotoxicity in mice. Journal of neuroinflammation, 18(1), Article 1.
- Juric, V., Hudson, L., Fay, J., Richards, C. E., Jahns, H., Verreault, M., Bielle, F., Idbaih, A., Lamfers, M. L. M., Hopkins, A. M., Rehm, M., & Murphy, B. M. (2021). Transcriptional CDK inhibitors, CYC065 and THZ1 promote Bim-dependent apoptosis in primary and recurrent GBM through cell cycle arrest and Mcl-1 downregulation. Cell Death & Disease 2021 12:8, 12(8), Article 8.
- McCann, C., Matveeva, A., McAllister, K., Sessler, T., Fichtner, M., Carberry, S., Rehm, M., Prehn, J. H. M., & Longley, D. B. (2021). Development of a protein signature to enable clinical positioning of IAP inhibitors in colorectal cancer. The FEBS Journal, febs.15801.
- Kontermann, R. E., Ungerechts, G., & Nettelbeck, D. M. (2021). Viro-antibody therapy: engineering oncolytic viruses for genetic delivery of diverse antibody-based biotherapeutics. mAbs, 13(1), Article 1.
- Krishna Moorthy, N., Seifert, O., Eisler, S., Weirich, S., Kontermann, R. E., Rehm, M., & Fullstone, G. (2021). Low-Level Endothelial TRAIL-Receptor Expression Obstructs the CNS-Delivery of Angiopep-2 Functionalised TRAIL-Receptor Agonists for the Treatment of Glioblastoma. Molecules 2021, Vol. 26, Page 7582, 26(24), Article 24.
- Wandrer, F., Liebig, S., Marhenke, S., Vogel, A., John, K., Manns, M. P., Teufel, A., Itzel, T., Longerich, T., Maier, O., Fischer, R., Kontermann, R. E., Pfizenmaier, K., Schulze-Osthoff, K., & Bantel, H. (2020). TNF-Receptor-1 inhibition reduces liver steatosis, hepatocellular injury and fibrosis in NAFLD mice. Cell Death Dis, 11(3), Article 3.
- Tansi, F. L., Rüger, R., Kollmeier, A. M., Rabenhold, M., Steiniger, F., Kontermann, R. E., Teichgräber, U. K., Fahr, A., & Hilger, I. (2020). Targeting the Tumor Microenvironment with Fluorescence-Activatable Bispecific Endoglin/Fibroblast Activation Protein Targeting Liposomes. Pharmaceutics, 12(4), Article 4.
- Pegoretti, V., Swanson, K. A., Bethea, J. R., Probert, L., Eisel, U. L. M., & Fischer, R. (2020). Inflammation and Oxidative Stress in Multiple Sclerosis: Consequences for Therapy Development. Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity, 2020, 19.
- Zhang, S., Liu, H., Yin, M., Pei, X., Hausser, A., Ishikawa, E., Yamasaki, S., & Jin, Z. G. (2020). Deletion of Protein Kinase D3 Promotes Liver Fibrosis in Mice. Hepatology, hep.31176.
- Stöhr, D., Jeltsch, A., & Rehm, M. (2020). TRAIL receptor signaling: From the basics of canonical signal transduction toward its entanglement with ER stress and the unfolded protein response. Int Rev Cell Mol Biol, 351, 57–99.
- Fullstone, G., Bauer, T. L., Guttà, C., Salvucci, M., Prehn, J. H. M., & Rehm, M. (2020). The apoptosome molecular timer synergises with XIAP to suppress apoptosis execution and contributes to prognosticating survival in colorectal cancer. Cell Death & Differentiation.
- Imig, D., Pollak, N., Allgöwer, F., & Rehm, M. (2020). Sample-based modeling reveals bidirectional interplay between cell cycle progression and extrinsic apoptosis. PLOS Computational Biology, 16(6), Article 6.
- Kuritz, K., Stöhr, D., Maichl, D. S., Pollak, N., Rehm, M., & Allgöwer, F. (2020). Reconstructing temporal and spatial dynamics from single-cell pseudotime using prior knowledge of real scale cell densities. Scientific Reports, 10(1), Article 1.
- Fischer, R., Kontermann, R. E., & Pfizenmaier, K. (2020). Selective targeting of TNF receptors as a novel therapeutic approach. Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology, 8.
- Rau, A., Lieb, W. S., Seifert, O., Honer, J., Birnstock, D., Richter, F., Aschmoneit, N., Olayioye, M. A., & Kontermann, R. E. (2020). Inhibition of tumor cell growth and cancer stem cell expansion by a bispecific antibody targeting EGFR and HER3. Mol Cancer Ther.
- Fabre, M., Ferrer, C., Dominguez-Hormaetxe, S., Bockorny, B., Murias, L., Seifert, O., Eisler, S. A., Kontermann, R. E., Pfizenmaier, K., Lee, S. Y., dM Vivanco, M., Lopez-Casas, P. P., Perea, S., Abbas, M., Richter, W., Simón, L., & Hidalgo, M. (2020). OMTX705, a Novel FAP-Targeting ADC demonstrates Activity in Chemotherapy and PD1-Resistant Solid Tumors Models. Clinical Cancer Research, clincanres.2238.2019.
- Hartung, F., Krüwel, T., Shi, X., Pfizenmaier, K., Kontermann, R., Chames, P., Alves, F., & Pardo, L. A. (2020). A Novel Anti-Kv10.1 Nanobody Fused to Single-Chain TRAIL Enhances Apoptosis Induction in Cancer Cells. Front Pharmacol, 11, 686–686.
- Stöhr, D., & Rehm, M. (2020). Linking hyperosmotic stress and apoptotic sensitivity. The FEBS Journal, febs.15520.
- Pacheco-Fernandez, N., Pakdel, M., Blank, B., Sanchez-Gonzalez, I., Weber, K., Tran, M. L., Hecht, T. K.-H., Gautsch, R., Beck, G., Perez, F., Hausser, A., Linder, S., & von Blume, J. (2020). Nucleobindin-1 regulates ECM degradation by promoting intra-Golgi trafficking of MMPs. Journal of Cell Biology, 219(8), Article 8.
- Stöhr, D., Schmid, J. O., Beigl, T. B., Mack, A., Maichl, D. S., Cao, K., Budai, B., Fullstone, G., Kontermann, R. E., Mürdter, T. E., Tait, S. W. G., Hagenlocher, C., Pollak, N., Scheurich, P., & Rehm, M. (2020). Stress-induced TRAILR2 expression overcomes TRAIL resistance in cancer cell spheroids. Cell Death & Differentiation.
- Sapski, S., Beha, N., Kontermann, R. E., & Müller, D. (2020). Influence of antigen density and immunosuppressive factors on tumor-targeted costimulation with antibody-fusion proteins and bispecific antibody-mediated T cell response. Cancer Immunol Immunother.
- Müller, I., Strozyk, E., Schindler, S., Beissert, S., Oo, H. Z., Sauter, T., Lucarelli, P., Raeth, S., Hausser, A., Al Nakouzi, N., Fazli, L., Gleave, M. E., Liu, H., Simon, H.-U., Walczak, H., Green, D. R., Bartek, J., Daugaard, M., & Kulms, D. (2020). Cancer Cells Employ Nuclear Caspase-8 to Overcome the p53-Dependent G2/M Checkpoint through Cleavage of USP28. Molecular Cell.
- Sánchez-González, I., Bobien, A., Molnar, C., Schmid, S., Strotbek, M., Boerries, M., Busch, H., & Olayioye, M. A. (2020). miR-149 suppresses breast cancer metastasis by blocking paracrine interactions with macrophages. Cancer Research, canres.1934.2019.
- Vetma, V., Guttà, C., Peters, N., Praetorius, C., Hutt, M., Seifert, O., Meier, F., Kontermann, R., Kulms, D., & Rehm, M. (2020). Convergence of pathway analysis and pattern recognition predicts sensitization to latest generation TRAIL therapeutics by IAP antagonism. Cell Death & Differentiation 2020, 1--16.
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