Hausser & Ellwanger contribute to Review in Cell News

12. März 2015

Sensing of pathogen-induced F-actin perturbations – a new paradigm in innate immunity?

Cell News - DGZ Journal, Issue 01/2015

Sensing of pathogen-induced F-actin perturbations – a new paradigm in innate immunity?

Angelika Hausser, Kornelia Ellwanger & Thomas Kufer

Institute of Cell Biology and Immunology, University of Stuttgart, Allmandring 31, 70569 Stuttgart, Germany

Department of Immunology at the University of Hohenheim, Fruwirth Str. 12, 70593 Stuttgart, Germany


The F-actin cytoskeleton plays pivotal roles in cell shape, cell migration and signaling. Many bacterial pathogens subvert the actin regulatory machinery to assure pathogenicity. Recent evidence now suggests that mammalian host cells are able to sense pathogen induced perturbations in their F-actin network. Here we provide a brief summary of our current understanding of this emerging concept focusing on key molecules that are supposed to be involved in sensing of pathogen-induced host F-actin remodeling.

Article in Cell News

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