Ellwanger & Hausser, accepted in IUBMB Life

29. Oktober 2012 / Kornelia Ellwanger

Physiological functions of protein kinase D in vivo

Critical Review, accepted in IUBMB Life:

Physiological functions of protein kinase D in vivo


Kornelia Ellwanger and Angelika Hausser*

Institute of Cell Biology and Immunology, University of Stuttgart, Allmandring 31, 70569 Stuttgart, Germany; phone ++4971168566995, fax ++004971168567484

* corresponding author, email: angelika.hausser@izi.uni-stuttgart.de

The cellular functions of the serine/threonine protein kinase D (PKD) have been extensively studied within the last decade and distinct roles such as fission of vesicles at the Golgi compartment, coordination of cell migration and invasion, and regulation of gene transcription have been correlated with this kinase family. Here we highlight the current state of in vivo studies on PKD function with a focus on animal models and discuss the molecular basis of the observed phenotypic characteristics associated with this kinase family.

Key words:
Protein kinase D (PKD), animal models, D. melanogaster, C. elegans, transgenic mice


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